Next generation time management and access control software

Timecure Ultimate; A new generation web-based time management software with a modern interface. Timecure Ultimate personnel managment software with superior features than all time management software on the market; Equipped with brand new technologies that will offer a unique experience to its users. It is fast, safe, easy to use, detailed and flexible in all aspects.

Advanced Features

Advanced Personnel Management System

Fast, Detailed Reports and Statistics

Real Time Monitoring

Secure API Infrastructure

Cloud Storage Option

Mobile Compatible and User-Friendly Interface

Customizable Language and Theme Options

Modular Structure and Single Screen Control

Advanced User Authorization Control

Integration Support

Modules Available from a Single Screen

Dining Hall Control Module

Payment & Balance Management Module

Membership Management Module

Dormitory & Student Control Module

Guard Tour Control Module

Hotel Management Module

HES Code Check Module

Visitor Management Module

Automatic Mail & SMS Module

License Plate Recognition Module

Annual Leave Control Module

QR Pass System Module

Building Manageent Module

Elevator Floor Authorization Module

Review the document containing the software specifications and specification.

What Does It Support?

Independent platform support

The biggest advantage that distinguishes Timecure Ultimate Time Management Software from its competitors is that it can run on independent platforms. Timecure Ultimate running smoothly on Windows, Linux and MacOS operating systems; It can also work in full compatibility with the Pardus operating system, which is a domestic operating system with Linux infrastructure, especially in public institutions.

API infrastructure and flexible database option

Working with API infrastructure, Timecure Ultimate is a software with superior security and flexible structure. It also has integration support for 3rd party developments. It always offers a secure structure with its special encryption and token feature. PostgreSQL, MSSQL, MySQL etc. It can work in full compatibility with all relational database types.

Dashboard and detailed statistics

When logging into Timecure Ultimate PDKS software, the control panel welcomes each user. This screen contains the statistical data of the company. Quick report can be obtained by clicking on statistics.
The number of absent people, the number of people working, the total number of active people, the number of people inside instantly, the number of people outside instantly, the number of employees on leave, the number of visitors inside, the permit requests pending approval, the upcoming birthdays, the connection status of terminals, etc. A lot of statistical information is available.

Unlimited, secure, fast and flexible structure

Timecure Ultimate with unlimited structure on everything from contact groups to filtering options, department breakdowns and shift work plans; With its fast and flexible infrastructure, it leaves all the borders to you and fully adapts to your business. With its flexible work plans, it can automatically determine the plan of your personnel from the entrance and exit movements, and automatically calculates the payroll. All you have to do is look at the reports.

Detailed reports and export

With Timecure Ultimate, which provides easy filtering by selecting the personnel you want with detailed filtering options, quickly view your detailed reports and export or print them in PDF, Excel formats with one click.

Receive reports by automatic mail

Timecure Ultimate adapts to your system so easily; The reports of the departments you set are automatically delivered to you whenever you want. You can change these settings at any time, and you can easily set the time zone you want the report to appear in.

Compatibility with many brands

Entry and exit movements of your personnel; ZKTeco, Mavisoft, HikVision etc. You can record and report with access control panels, card readers, fingerprint readers and face recognition devices of many brands. Compatible with many brands on the market, Timecure is now much more powerful!

Customizable language and theme options

Timecure Ultimate supports multiple languages and themes with its special and flexible infrastructure. Users can choose the language and theme they want to use and can easily change this setting whenever they want. Currently, Turkish and English languages are available. We continue to add the most accurate language translations to the system with special translators.

Module Details

Entrance and exit with QR code without using a device with mobile application

If you want to get rid of the device cost, there is a solution for this in Timecure Ultimate PDKS software. We can record the entry and exit movements by scanning the QR code on our mobile application, which can be used by your personnel. In this scenario, we offer 2 different options.

By opening the camera on our mobile application, the QR on the screen of our web application can be read, or by generating a QR on the screen of our mobile application, it can be scanned with the camera of our web application. Supporting both scenarios, Timecure Ultimate can record your staff's entry and exit movements without using a device.

Our mobile application on the phone of your staff; It receives location information via GPS and creates instant QR by checking timeout. In this way, the abuse of the system is prevented.

Visitor management and blacklist control

Visitor management software is included in Timecure Ultimate. In addition to saving the information of the people who visit the business, it offers a practical and detailed use with features such as the expected appointment list and blacklist control. Visitor cards can be grouped and access rights can be customized in the Timecure Ultimate visitor tracking program. Optionally, when the visitor exits, he can instantly void the visitor card.

Frequently used reasons are selected from the list instead of typing again. If a record has been opened for the same person before, the system automatically shows this record on the side screen. Old information can be filled automatically with one click.

For security or advisory personnel, it displays the information of the personnel working in the enterprise instantly in color, inside or outside. It is clear who is inside or outside without wasting time, and you can manage your reports with a single interface.

Instant live monitoring and notifications

Timecure Ultimate, which allows you to authorize your personnel and choose the points they can watch instantly; shows live transitions on the screen in real time. Information such as registration number, name, surname, photograph, terminal information, department and title of the person making the transition are displayed here. Switched terminal paints the line in such a way that it can be distinguished by its green color, and the output device by its red color. It also gives a warning for unauthorized or undefined cards being read.

Optionally, for cafeteria devices, the remaining balance or credit amount of the person can be displayed on this screen as a notification during the reading.

Dining hall control management and special payment reports

The dining hall control management software is included in the Timecure Ultimate structure. There are 3 usage options: credit type, right type and fee type. You can control access by loading meal balances or credits to people, or you can control the cafeteria passes by defining daily meal rights.

The entire structure of Timecure Ultimate is flexible. You can define unlimited meals for the days you want, you can define the 1st scan fee, 2nd scan fee and time. You can watch the cafeteria transitions live and get detailed cafeteria movement and cafeteria summary reports.

Contact us now to get more information and quick pricing.